Financial Assessment


Key Cost Saving Opportunity Inputs (Hrs or $) Impact Improvement Annual Gain
How much do you spend on paid media per month? ($)
Paid spend waste/savings: Wasted Spend 0 Reclaimed Spend 0 0
Campaign performance improvement: ROAS 0 Improved ROAS 0 0
Staffing Challenges:
How much time does your team spend on data clean-up and manual tasks? (hours) Excessive Staffing Costs 0 Recoved Staffing Costs 0 0
How much time does your team spend on duplicative effort? (hours) Excessive Staffing Costs 0 Recoved Staffing Costs 0 0
Opportunity cost (hours - calculated value) Lost Productivity 0 Productivity Gains 0 0
What do you spend on in-house tool maintenance? ($) Overhead 0 Savings 0 0

Configure as desired

Performance Variables
Media Spend
Wasted Spend Rate ($)
Avg. ROAS per $ spent ($)
Wasted Spend Savings from Claravine (%)
ROAS Improvement from Claravine (%)
Hourly Rate of Low Value Activities ($)
Hourly Rate of High Value Activities ($)
Reduction in Hours from Claravine (%)
Value of Opportunity Cost between Low and High Value ($) 0

Overall Initiative Impact (Annually)

Annual Improvement 0
Annual Investment
Estimated Program ROI 0
Estimates Looking Good? Contact Claravine

How to use the calculator