Claravine Launches Claravine Academy

Offering industry-leading data standardization training to its customer base and beyond

Claravine is excited to now offer Claravine Academy: the go-to destination to becoming a data standards expert. Described as a comprehensive, hands-on program to learn best practices for The Data Standards Cloud®, this virtual training and certification portal allows users to gain the skills they need to improve data quality, streamline workflows, and optimize marketing performance for their organizations.

“Our new training platform will help meet demand for data management skills and certifications. Claravine Academy was created to help onboard larger customers more effectively and efficiently, and be the go-to destination for interested users and organizations to become data standards experts” said Verl Allen, CEO. “All of our employees and most of our clients have completed the online training, and feedback could not be more positive! We’re really excited to continue developing these tools and eventually expand more broadly to marketing teams everywhere.”


By offering this comprehensive training on our self-service learning hub, users can easily become certified data integrity experts for their organizations. With interactive content, videos, tutorials, and knowledge checks, users will quickly learn what is needed to know about data standards.

The Academy is always on and is currently available to Claravine’s customers, offering multiple resources including:

  • Training for New Users provides an introduction to The Data Standards Cloud® and lays the foundation for data standardization;
  • Training for Managers offers training for more senior members of an organization and walks users through the increasingly complex responsibilities of this role;
  • On-demand webinars for Admins on dataset management;
  • One-sheeters offer pro tips on submissions and bulk uploading, as well as answers user FAQs.

It is becoming more difficult for organizations to manually collect, analyze, and categorize data in an accurate and efficient way. Though awareness of the need for data integrity and standardization is gaining popularity within the industry, the practice is still in its infancy. And in order for it to live up to its full potential, the application of data standards within organizations needs to take a universal structure – standards for standards, if you will.

“This was great. I love the interactive-ness and overall vibe of the training.” – A Data Standards Cloud Platform Certified User


Later this summer, Claravine plans to launch an Admin Training that will enable administrators to quickly learn all the ins and outs of The Data Standards Cloud® and the authority to configure it for their brands and teams.

Beyond this, Claravine’s ultimate goal is to expand the program to become an industry-wide resource to the public. Stay tuned.

To get started in Claravine Academy, reach out to your Claravine Customer Success Manager today!

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