Do you have a metadata management plan in place for your business?

Join Chris Comstock, Claravine’s Chief Product Officer and Nathan Woodman, ad-tech industry leader and measurement expert, for three discussions about how to organize marketing operations to prepare for the changing measurement landscape.

Watch to gain an understanding of the current status of metadata management, as well as tips for marketers to refine and enhance their data-driven strategies.

Session 1: The Loss of Observation & Rise of Experimentation

This conversation on metadata management addresses changes to the status quo of tracking and measurement, recent regulations, and their impact on measuring marketing effectiveness.

Session 2: The Loss of Observation & Rise of Experimentation

This conversation on metadata management addresses how end-to-end measurement is defined, new roles and responsibilities over the past decade, and the biggest challenges upcoming for brands and agencies.

Session 3: Aggregate Data Management and Optimization

This conversation on metadata management addresses how end-to-end measurement is defined, new roles and responsibilities over the past decade, and the biggest challenges upcoming for brands and agencies.

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